Abe Mor Founder

When you are full of integrity and ambition as a boy, those traits stay with you for life. When a tremendous work ethic is instilled in you from an early age, your appreciation for quality and craftsmanship grows stronger over time. When being a child in a large family forces you to become a breadwinner prematurely, you work hard to be the best at everything you do and take nothing for granted. When all of these things apply, there’s a great chance your name is Abe Mor.
For the founder and namesake of Abe Mor Diamonds, this is fortunate because, in the diamond industry, the Abe Mor name isn’t something. It’s everything. It’s a name that has become synonymous with value and trust. It’s a name that carries with it a commitment to humanity and personal attention. It’s a name that was given to a man who staked his personal reputation on it and succeeded in building one of the most respected diamond cutting enterprises known today.
Abe Mor grew up in Israel. Like others from his generation, he lived during a difficult time, at the birth of a nation. There were wars. There was food rationing. It wasn’t all bad, but it was a training ground for resilience, ingenuity, and excellence, especially for a boy so relentlessly driven.
Shortly past the age of 13, after working tirelessly in several small workshops, Abe was presented with 2 job possibilities, one manufacturing metal utensils and the other involving diamonds. When he heard the word “diamonds,” his eyes sparkled brilliantly with excitement. The mere sound of the word was attractive and appealing. Before even his first introduction to the stones that would earn his life’s dedication, he knew he’d found his calling.
Seated at a table 3.5 feet long and 2.5 feet wide, in a workshop situated in the south of Tel Aviv, he learned the craft of cutting by working on small stones. This made Abe one of the first members of an industry that was just being born. Even under less than ideal conditions, it was never a job. It was always a passion. Within a few days, Abe had absorbed the principles and was on his way, seizing every opportunity to better himself, his work, and his reputation.
Once he’d honed his skills and gained the confidence to strike out on his own, Abe Mor Diamonds was born and lives on today as a premier diamond supplier and leader in the category. His pursuit of excellence in every facet of his life and work translates directly into the diamonds we sell today and the Abe Mor Diamonds sales experience.
All GIA-rated diamonds are not created equal. Ours are consistently among the top tier in clarity and color. As all diamonds, they start out rough and unfinished, and are painstakingly crafted to near perfection. Each raw stone’s inherent beauty is drawn out with precision—its full potential is reached, one small step at a time. Our customers see the difference in our stones and remain as loyal to us as we do to them, because everyone’s satisfaction is at stake and, for decades, Abe Mor set and abided by an incredibly high standard, resulting in impeccable diamonds that no beholder can help but fall in love with.
Abe’s tireless dedication to the product and customers are what set him and his company apart. They are also what have inspired and allowed him to build a successful family business whose driving force is its people and whose lifeblood is its integrity. It’s not just about the quality of the diamond you’re purchasing or wearing, but the quality of the experience obtaining it. That is the Abe Mor difference and the Abe Mor promise.